Online reputation

Online reputation

The insight that someone produces on the Internet depending on its digital footprint is what we call online reputation. Digital footprints are created by all the shared content and communication existing in the user’s online activity. Having a bad reputation can change someones pseudonym, which generates distrust in accounts like eBay or Amazon.

The control and influence that a group has on its reputation is what we call the reputation management. Incipiently it was a term for public relations, social networks and the increase of the Internet. The Online Reputation Management (OMR) companies focus their attention on the “mugshot removal sites, astroturfing review sites, censoring negative complaints, and using search engine optimization tactics to influence results”.

As Michael Fertik said in an interview for Forbes:

“If someone says something negative about you or something true but old and obsolete—perhaps it is that you were fired from your last job—these things can really damage your future. At the same time, your digital reputation also creates significant opportunities. If you aren’t taking advantage of what your reputation could be or hanging your digital shingle the way it deserves to be hung, people aren’t seeing your best foot forward”.

When we are searching different types of information, our search terms are going to be associated with them. If we search a lot of information about sports and restaurants, the suggestions are going to be related with those items.

There are some principles that characterise online reputation management:

  1. The searching results are generated by algorithms. What you search is going to appear in suggestions.

  2. Popularity is the main aspect which is going to accurately reflect what you are. There is not an algorithm for truthfulness.

  3. Do not click on negative pages. That is going to be part of your digital footprint.

  4. Do not pay attention to bad comments, an never answer them.

  5. Use social media and keep all the profiles updated. If you use them correctly, you can get a good position on the Internet.

  6. Keep your personal information apart from all the identifiable information. Unfortunately, it can be used to hijack your personal information.

  7. Be aware of the fact that everything we upload or publish online is part of our online reputation.


Online reputation

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