Online reputation

The online reputation is the reflection of the prestige and esteem of a person or a brand in the Internet. This affects directly to the Internet user. The reputation is not entirely under the user’s control, it also depends on the conversations that establishes with other users and the opinions that they have towards him. So, the online reputation is tightly linked to the brand reputation because the reputation is generated from the opinions of the consumers not only online, but also offline.

A more scientific definition would be that online reputation is a social construction around the credibility, reliability, morality and coherence of an online person, entity, agency, institution, company, etc. Online reputation is only partially controllable since it is created and recreated based on the perceptions that make up a state of opinion, consideration and appreciation of others, based on ethical or moral and professional decisions and behaviors.

It can also be argued that reputation is a social construction, which means that it is a product created and accumulated collectively and that inevitably has positive or negative effects on aspects of our lives, as social, economic, etc.

Being easily accessible, reputation can be built from a multiplicity of sources and be used by many other users to make value judgments. What before was left in a reduced social environment (family, friends or school), now is distributed in a massive way and can reach great media heights. This model is the one used, for example, by social media as Twitter or Facebook, which are being used today to make judgement of other users and companies (among other functions).

But, why is important to to take care of online reputation? A website with a well-developed online reputation is usually an authoritative page in its sector, so it will receive a lot of organic traffic, that is, traffic from search engines like Google.

What you should know is that more than 90% of people stay on the first page of Google results and only 10% advance to second pages. Within the first page, the first 3 results tend to monopolize more than 50% of the clicks.

Surely it has happened to you that when looking for something and seeing a negative opinion in the results you click on it before the others. Although the top 1 and 2 are good items, our eyes see the negative first, our curiosity prompts us to know bad things first. Imagine the disaster that could lead to our reputation a bad opinion at the top of an important keyword of our site and company.

If we see it from the opposite side, think what it can mean to have very good opinions in the search results, in short, a good reputation means more sales, trust and loyal users. (

To understand better the concept of online-reputation, here you can see a video.

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